Kentucky Colonel Words and Phrases
The Kentucky Colonel has a vocabulary so we are presenting a glossary of terms that fit the Kentucky Colonel vocabulary.
Kentucky Colonel's Glossary
Over more than the past two centuries, Kentucky colonels have reformed the Commonwealth to become one of the best-known American states, out of 50 US states Kentucky is recognized more frequently than most others keeping it in the top 5 ranking with Florida, New York and California. Considering that the Kentucky Colonel was here before everyone else the popular modern icon is responsible for the actual Kentucky dialect and a number of Kentucky figures of speech. Many of the words used in the Bourbon, Thoroughbred and Tobacco industries are deeply rooted in Kentucky during its first 100 years. Some say it is Kentucky slang, others call it mountain talk, but all the people that say its slang are from somewhere else other than Kentucky. What would they know? They are Kentuckyisms!
Not all Words are Kentucky Words
The who, what and where will be included as we learn from our website users and followers, we have a lot of information to present under this Glossary section! If you have words you think should be included here drop us an email and it will be considered for inclusion, provide as much detail as possible even if it is excessive so we can fully comprehend the origin and development of the word.
We want to thank Col. Dr. William Ramsey who published a long list with many of the words "Kentuckyisms" and their meanings used in Kentucky's Eastern half.