Kentucky Colonels: Book Title and Copyright

Because our organization published the first exclusive content online for Kentucky colonels in 1998, we are entitled to copyright privileges on the term "Kentucky Colonels" for the purposes of publishing. In 2020 we took out an advance copyright for a history book on Kentucky colonels.

Kentucky Colonels 1775-2025

A complete history of the origins of Kentucky and the role of the Kentucky Colonel since 1775. An anthology and journey back from the Commonwealth of Virginia's most authoritative county officer to contemporary icon on the Kentucky State Flag and the State Seal. The new Commonwealth was founded and pioneered by Kentucky colonels tasked with forming a civilian government from each county who chose a "Kentucky colonel" from North Carolina as the first governor of Kentucky.

The work will trace the Kentucky Colonel through the years as an iconic figure in American literature and a spectacle to behold in American newspapers dating back using the works of original authors to 1784 and land records based on original claims dating back to 1775. Who were the first Kentucky Colonels?

Sourced from over 600 independent references from across the United States.

Book and Interactive WebSite

Kentucky Colonels: Forefathers, Founders and Model Figures of Kentucky Culture, Customs, Folklore, History, Music, Society, Traditions, and Values (Draft Only)

Copyright ©: 2022 1st Edition, Kentucky Colonels: ... is a copyrighted work that has been pre-registered based on subject content and the ideal intentions of the authors group with the US Copyright Office on June 26, 2020, scheduled for completion between November of 2021 and January of 2022 (estimated). The title, description and contents of this work are all subject to change based on research and current events.

Primary/Lead Author: Col. David J. Wright

Description: A literary work presented as a book which is a non-fiction, reference work about the history of Kentucky and Kentucky colonels from colonial times through the current date. The work will include short biographies of famous and well-known public figures who have been recognized as Kentucky colonels. The book will include works from the public domain, illustrations, art, photographs, news articles, and the contributions of Kentucky colonels to modern society dating back to 1775 before Kentucky became a state. The book will include anecdotes, songs, poems, jokes, and government records that trace how the Kentucky colonel became a cultural icon and so well known across America and around the world. The book will discuss the emergence of the Kentucky Colonel as an honorary civilian award and why the state adopted the ideal as one of its trademarks, how the concept helped to develop the image of the Southern Colonel, how it has become responsible for the creation of other ideals, organizations, and much more. The book has chapters discussing Kentucky colonels' influence on bourbon, thoroughbred horses, art. music, folklore, tourism, politics, governors, and the counties. The creative work will be presented as a book initially and may be updated regularly in electronic format using a companion website which will present an interactive media bibliography.

Historical Patent ℗: The work suggests that history of Kentucky Colonelcy begins in 1775 is based on 13 colonels and pioneer delegates holding a convention at Boonesborough by the Transylvania Company. Together they wrote the "Kentucke Magna Charta" which established the first sovereign democratic government in North America. That document also called for improvement in the breeding of horses and a manly government.

In 1777 when Virginia declared what would be called Kentucky, it was widely accepted that the laws made in the Kentucky charter were incorporated into the foundation for the formation of future regional government of Kentucky County, soon thereafter the Kentucky District made up of 3, 4, 5, 7, then 9 counties, each headed by Kentucky colonels from the Transylvania Company and their lieutenant-colonels.

Estimated Price: The hardbound printed work over 350 pages will be hand signed by one of the authors and available initially only through advance purchase of $65.00 per copy starting in 2025. The published version in paperback will cost 50% the advance copy price with a 25% discount for early birds and libraries. All of the initial proceeds will benefit projects overseen by colonels in Madison County, Kentucky. 

Interactive WebSite

Most of the facts based in history are available directly through the WebSite, the WebSite is not the Book; however the WebSite forms the basis for the book, inasmuch as the book is being written from the sources in the Bibliography/Webliography and the American News sections. The website is dynamic as much as it is static, it can grow infinitely using the American Colonels Network domain [], it is always subject to improvement and change.

Call for Content Contributors

If you are interested in providing content for our book such as comics, satire, humor, that can be used from the public domain (prior to 1926) please forward it as a PDF file to our webmaster. All other content published after 1928 must be referenced and sourced, newspaper clippings or photographs may be included up through December 2024. 

If you have an interesting or especially compelling story about what becoming a Kentucky colonel has done for you or a special story of how you became a Kentucky colonel, you can also submit them to us for consideration of a paragraph or a section. All types of content may be considered.